

Thasmai is a world revolutionary project, to rehabilitate the world as a single entity as envisoned by the creator. It needs to be lived and loved as one. All contemporary issues have a permanent solution, which has universal acceptance.


A world that lives by the Sanskrit verse ‘Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu,’ where ‘Lokah’ means not just humans but all living beings and existence in this universe


To help people experience spirituality by living according to Dharma, as taught by spiritual Gurus and based on the core of Guru tatwa.

At the Helm...

Guruji & Guruma

THASMAI GURUJI and GURUMA are the founders of this system

GURUJI is a former filmmaker and a self-enlightened individual. GURUMA is a former IT professional

GURUJI experienced all 14 dimensions and uncovered many unknown universal mysteries that the modern world is unaware of

"Complicated memory is the root cause of all our problems"

There are many mystical happenings in the cosmos which is beyond human logic. We are so deeply identified with our body and mind that we cannot imagine a dimension of life beyond this boundary.There are 14 dimensions in this universe and we are living in the 3rd dimension. We are trying to experience, analyze or interpret the 14-dimensional universe from just the third-dimensional logic. FOr those who live un the 3rd dimension, the only way to understand all the 14 dimensions and become Blissful is by activating our inner energies.

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